Sunday, December 3, 2006

Number One

I decided to start this blog to let others know that they are not alone. I always feel so alone in my inability to keep ahead of the mess in my house. I have been working on trying to find a method to keep my house cleaner. I have looked at, but since my husband's only assigned job in the house is the dishes, I am not going to start shining the sink and take that job. If I start doing the dishes, then I will have to do them also.

Does anyone else have problems getting thier husband to help with the housework on a consistent basis? Tell me how you work to get ahead of your mess.

Now I am trying to use methods. It lets you feel like you are getting ahead by workign 15 to 30 min a day. I can do cleaning for 15 min. It is when I try to do longer that I get overwhelmed and stop. I have two small children. 15 min is usually the time limit I have to do anything.

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