Friday, December 15, 2006

Habitual Cleanliness

I started by cleaning my bathrooms. Now I have to keep them reasonably clean or they drive me nuts. Next I need to start keeping my bedroom clean. The problem is that Monkey watches cartoons in there and it makes it hard to keep it very clean. I was also able to cover one laundry room shelf with contact paper (which is easier to clean) and clean out one kitchen drawer.

I guess the first step to cleanliness is one spot. Then it expands, much like clutter and mess. It is hard to get ahead and stay that way. Especially with kids and a DH who only occasionally cleans. Plus Jelly Bean is going through a phase where he doesn't want to be put down. It is hard to get much done with one hand and a baby who grabs things.


My Trendy Tykes said...

Good Luck on your cleaning! We are in the process of selling our home so I HAVE to keep it clean and it is killing me because my kids LIKE to keep it dirty! LOL


Destination Mom said...

Hi, thanks for checking out my blog. We will be taking your suggestion next year when we file. It's nice getting a big hefty refund, but we will be able to use it more efficiently, I think, if we do it the way you suggested. The company my husband worked for closed the week before Christmas, so next year it will be different anyway. We will file diffent, as soon as he gets a new job. Thanks again!